αλλαγή γλώσσας σε Ελληνικά
Vassilios N. Grigoriadis
Associate Professor
visit the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Website visit the School of Rural and Surveying Engineering Website visit the Laboratory of Gravity Field Research and Applications

Short CV

Associate Professor at the School of Rural and Surveying Engineering of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh)

Member of the Laboratory of Gravity Field Research and Applications

Head of the Department of Geodesy and Surveying of the School of Rural and Surveying Engineering of AUTh


  • 2009 - Dr. Eng. (School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)
  • 2003 - MSc. Surveyor Engineer, "Modern Geodetic Applications" - Geoinformatics Graduate Program (School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)
  • 2002 - Dipl. Eng. (School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)

Research interests

  • Gravity field modeling
  • Satellite methods in Geodesy (GNSS, Satellite Altimetry, Gravity missions for the recovery of the Earth's gravity field)
  • Spectral methods in Geodesy
  • Gravity field modeling applications in geophysics and geodynamics
  • Hydrography
  • Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
  • Geodetic and GIS applications in managing natural risks and disasters

Research Projects


Modernization of the Hellenic Gravity Network - ModernGravNet (2020-2022)

Gravity inversion for the determination of the Moho discontinuity in the Hellenic area (2016-2017)

GOCESeaComb Project - External calibration/validation of ESA’s GOCE mission and contribution to DOT and SLA determination through stochastic combination with heterogeneous data. (2012-2014)

Evaluation of the Hellenic Vertical network in the frame of the European systems and control networks interconnection - Application in the areas of Attiki and Thessaloniki. (2013-2014)

ECO-Satellite Project - Development of a common intraregional monitoring system for the environmental protection and preservation of the Black Sea. (2012-2013)

Analytical Determination of the Cyprus Geoid. (2010-2011)

SyNaRMa Project - Development of an Information System for Natural Risk Management in the Mediterranean. (2006-2008)


  • Member of the Technical Chamber of Greece
  • Member of the European Geosciences Union (EGU)
  • Member of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG)

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1486-8284<br/>Click to visit my ORCID webpage

Peer reviewed publications in scientific journals


Grigoriadis VN, Andritsanos VD, Natsiopoulos DA, Vergos GS, Tziavos IN (2023) Geoid Studies in Two Test Areas in Greece Using Different Geopotential Models towards the Estimation of a Reference Geopotential Value. Remote Sensing, 15, 4282. doi: 10.3390/rs15174282

Grigoriadis VN, Andritsanos VD, Natsiopoulos DA (2023) Validation of Recent DSM/DEM/DBMs in Test Areas in Greece Using Spirit Leveling, GNSS, Gravity and Echo Sounding Measurements. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 12(3), 99. doi: 10.3390/ijgi12030099


Pitenis E, Mamagiannou E, Natsiopoulos DA, Vergos GS, Tziavos IN, Grigoriadis VN, Sideris MG (2022) FIR, IIR and Wavelet Algorithms for the Rigorous Filtering of GOCE SGG Data to the GOCE MBW. Remote Sensing, 14(13): 3024. doi: 10.3390/rs14133024


Grigoriadis VN, Vergos GS, Barzaghi R, Carrion D, Koç Ö (2021) Collocation and FFT-based geoid estimation within the Colorado 1 cm geoid experiment. Journal of Geodesy, 95(52). doi: 10.1007/s00190-021-01507-7

Wang YM et al. (2021) Colorado geoid computation experiment: overview and summary. Journal of Geodesy, 95:127. doi: 10.1007/s00190-021-01567-9


Vergos GS, Erol B, Natsiopoulos DA, Grigoriadis VN, Işık MS, Tziavos IN (2017) Preliminary results of GOCE-based height system unification between Greece and Turkey over marine and land areas. Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica. doi: 10.1007/s40328-017-0204-x


Tziavos IN, Alexandridis TK, Aleksandrov B, Andrianopoulos A, Doukas ID, Grigoras I, Grigoriadis VN, Papadopoulou ID, Savvaidis P, Stergioudis A, Teodorof L, Vergos GS, Vorobyova L, Zalidis GC (2016) Development of a Web-based GIS monitoring and environmental assessment system for the Black Sea: application in the Danube Delta area. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 188:492. doi: 10.1007/s10661-016-5492-z

Natsiopoulos DA, Vergos GS, Grigoriadis VN, Tziavos IN (2016) Modeling the response of the Mediterranean Sea level to global and regional climatic phenomena. Micro Macro and Mezzo Geo Information, no. 6, pp. 40-53.

Grigoriadis VN, Tziavos IN, Tsokas GN, Stampolidis A (2015) Gravity data inversion for Moho depth modeling in the Hellenic area. Pure and Applied Geophysics, vol. 173(4), pp. 1223-1241. doi: 10.1007/s00024-015-1174-y


Andritsanos VD, Grigoriadis VN, Vergos GS, Pagounis V, Tziavos IN (2015) GOCE/GRACE GGM evaluation over Attica and Thessaloniki, Greece and local geoid modelling in support of height unification. South-Eastern European Journal of Earth Observation and Geomatics, vol. 4, pp. 105-122.

Carrion D, Vergos GS, Albertella A, Barzaghi R, Tziavos IN, Grigoriadis VN (2015) Assessing the GOCE models accuracy in the Mediterranean area. Newton's Bulletin 5: 63-82.


Tassis GA, Grigoriadis VN, Tziavos IN, Tsokas GN, Papazachos CB, Vasiljević I (2013) A new Bouguer gravity anomaly field for the Adriatic Sea and its application for the study of the crustal and upper mantle structure. Journal of Geodynamics, Vol. 66, pp. 38-52, doi: 10.1016/j.jog.2012.12.006.

Tziavos IN, Vergos GS, Mertikas SP, Daskalakis A, Grigoriadis VN, Tripolitsiotis A (2013) The contribution of local gravimetric geoid models to the calibration of satellite altimetry data and an outlook of the latest GOCE GGM performance in Gavdos. Advances in Space Research, Vol. 51, Issue 8, pp. 1502-1522, doi: 10.1016/j.asr.2012.06.013.


Tziavos IN, Vergos GS, Grigoriadis VN (2010) Investigation of topographic reductions and aliasing effects to gravity and the geoid over Greece based on various digital terrain models. Surveys in Geophysics, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 23-67, doi: 10.1007/s10712-009-9085-z.


Sansò F, Venuti G, Tziavos IN, Vergos GS, Grigoriadis VN (2008) Geoid and Sea Surface Topography from satellite and ground data in the Mediterranean region - A review and new proposals. Bulletin of Geodesy and Geomatics, vol. 67, No. 3, pp. 155-201.


Doukas ID, Savvaidis P, Tziavos IN, Grigoriadis VN, Papadopoulou I, Vavassis I (2007) The use of a Web-based GIS for the management of databases related to natural disasters, Geodesy and Cartography, vol. 56, No. 1, pp. 37-52.


Theodulidis N, Roumelioti Z, Panou A, Savvaidis A, Kiratzi A, Grigoriadis V, Dimitriu P, Chatzigogos T (2006) Retrospective Prediction of Macroseismic Intensities Using Strong Ground Motion Simulation: The Case of the 1978 Thessaloniki (Greece) Earthquake (M6.5). Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, vol. 4, pp. 101-130, , doi: 10.1007/s10518-006-9001-6.

Peer reviewed publications in conference proceedings


Grigoriadis VN, Andritsanos VD, Natsiopoulos D (2022). Validation of the Hellenic Gravity Network in the Frame of the ModernGravNet Project. In: International Association of Geodesy Symposia. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. doi: 10.1007/1345_2022_186


Vergos GS, Grigoriadis VN, Barzaghi R, Carrion D (2018) IGFS Metadata for Gravity. Structure, Build-up and Application Module. In: International Association of Geodesy Symposia. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. doi: 10.1007/1345_2018_38

Barzaghi R, Carrion D, Vergos GS, Tziavos IN, Grigoriadis VN, Natsiopoulos DA, Bruinsma S, Reinquin F, Seoane L, Bonvalot S, Lequentrec-Lalancette MF, Salaün C, Andersen O, Knudsen P, Abulaitijiang A, Rio MH (2018) GEOMED2: High-Resolution Geoid of the Mediterranean. In: International Association of Geodesy Symposia. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. doi: 10.1007/1345_2018_33


Andritsanos VD, Grigoriadis VN, Natsiopoulos DA, Vergos GS, Gruber T, Fecher T (2017) GOCE Variance and Covariance Contribution to Height System Unification. In: International Association of Geodesy Symposia. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. doi: 10.1007/1345_2017_12

Grigoriadis VN, Lambrou E, Vergos GS, Tziavos IN (2017) Assessment of the Greek Vertical Datum: A Case Study in Central Greece. In: International Association of Geodesy Symposia. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. doi: 10.1007/1345_2017_1


Tziavos IN, Vergos GS, Grigoriadis VN, Tzanou EA, Natsiopoulos DA (2015) Validation of GOCE/GRACE satellite only and combined global geopotential models over Greece, in the frame of the GOCESeaComb Project. International Assocation of Geodesy Symposia, vol. 143, pp. 297-304. doi: 10.1007/1345_2015_160

Vergos GS, Andritsanos VD, Grigoriadis VN, Pagounis V, Tziavos IN (2015) Evaluation of GOCE/GRACE GGMs over Attika and Thessaloniki, Greece, and Wo determination for height system unification. In: Jin S., Barzaghi R. (eds) IGFS 2014. International Association of Geodesy Symposia, vol 144m pp. 101-109. doi: 10.1007/1345_2015_53


Grigoriadis VN, Kotsakis C, Tziavos IN, Vergos GS (2014) Estimation of the geopotential value Wo for the local vertical datum of continental Greece using EGM08 and GPS/leveling data. In: Marti U (ed) Gravity, Geoid and Height Systems, International Association of Geodesy Symposia Vol. 141, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, pp. 249-255, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-10837-7_32.

Vergos GS, Grigoriadis VN, Tziavos IN, Kotsakis C (2014) Evaluation of GOCE/GRACE Global Geopotential Models over Greece with collocated GPS/Levelling observations and local gravity data. In: Marti U (ed) Gravity, Geoid and Height Systems, International Association of Geodesy Symposia Vol. 141, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, pp. 85-92, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-10837-7_11.


Tziavos IN, Vergos GS, Grigoriadis VN, Andritsanos VD (2012) Adjustment of collocated GPS, geoid and orthometric height observations in Greece. Geoid or orthometric height improvement? In: Kenyon S, Pacino C, Marti U (eds) Geodesy for Planet Earth, International Association of Geodesy Symposia Vol. 136, Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York, pp. 481-488, doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-20338-1_58.


Fotiou A, Grigoriadis VN, Pikridas C, Rossikopoulos D, Tziavos IN, Vergos GS (2010) Combination Schemes for Local Orthometric Height Determination from GPS Measurements and Gravity Data. In: Mertikas SP (ed) “Gravity, Geoid and Earth Observation 2008”, International Association of Geodesy Symposia, vol. 130 Springer – Verlag, pp. 309-314, doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-10634-7_40.


Tsoulis D, Grigoriadis VN, Tziavos IN (2007) The utilization of global digital crustal databases in regional applications of forward gravity field modeling. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium of the International Gravity Field Service “Gravity Field of the Earth”, Special Issue 18, General Command of Mapping of Turkey, pp. 348-353.

Müller A, Bürki B, Limpach P, Kahle HG, Grigoriadis VN, Vergos GS, Tziavos IN (2007) Validation of marine geoid models in the North Aegean Sea using satellite altimetry, GPS buoy and astrogeodetic measurements. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium of the International Gravity Field Service “Gravity Field of the Earth”, Special Issue 18, General Command of Mapping of Turkey, pp. 90-95.

Vergos GS, Grigoriadis VN, Kalampoukas G, Tziavos IN (2007) Accuracy assessment of the SRTM 90m DTM over Greece and its implications to geoid modeling. In: Tregoning P, Rizos C (eds) “Dynamic Planet 2005 - Monitoring and Understanding a Dynamic Planet with Geodetic and Oceanographic Tools”, International Association of Geodesy Symposia, vol. 130 Springer – Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 309-315, doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-49350-1_46.

Vergos GS, Grigoriadis VN, Tziavos IN, Sideris MG (2007) Combination of multi-satellite altimetry data with CHAMP and GRACE EGMs for geoid and sea surface topography determination. In: Tregoning P, Rizos C (eds) “Dynamic Planet 2005 - Monitoring and Understanding a Dynamic Planet with Geodetic and Oceanographic Tools”, International Association of Geodesy Symposia, vol. 130, Springer – Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 244-250, doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-49350-1_37.

Publications in conference proceedings


Alexandridis TK, Aleksandrov BG, Monachou S, Kalogeropoulos C, Strati S, Vorobyova L, Bogatova Y, Grigoriadis VN, Vergos GS, Topaloglou C (2013) Monitoring water quality parameters in the marine area of Danube Delta using satellite remote sensing: preliminary results. In: Hadjimitsis DG, Themistocleous K, Michaelides S, Papadavid G (eds) “First International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of Environments”, SPIE vol. 8795, pp. 87950P-8, doi: 10.1117/12.2027210.


Savvaidis P, Theilen‐Willige B, Tziavos IN, Grigoriadis VN, Papadopoulou ID (2012) Detection of earthquake vulnerable areas in the Grevena region/northern Greece using Remote sensing and WebGIS methods. In: Proc. “Modern technologies, education and professional practice in geodesy and related fields”, 20th International Symposium, November 8 ‐ 9, Sofia, Bulgaria.

Savvaidis P, Tziavos IN, Grigoriadis VN, Vergos GS, Papadopoulou ID, Stergioudis A (2012) A WebGIS-based monitoring and decision support tool for the environmental protection and preservation of the Black Sea: The ECO-Satellite project. In: Proc. “Modern technologies, education and professional practice in geodesy and related fields”, 20th International Symposium, 08 - 09 November, Sofia, 2012.


Spyridaki P, Papadopoulou ID, Grigoriadis VN, Tziavos IN and Savvaidis P (2009) Methodology for identification of emergency assembly areas and road network in cities using geographic information systems tools. Proceedings of the 9th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference SGEM 2009, Bulgaria, 14-19 June, 2009, Vol. II, pp. 135 – 142.


Grigoriadis VN, Papadopoulou ID, Spyridaki P, Doukas I, Tziavos IN, Savvaidis P (2008) Presentation of a Web-based GIS System for the Management of Natural Disasters. In: e-Proceedings of the International Conference "Studying, Modeling and Sense Making of Planet Earth", June 1-6, Mytilene, Greece.


Grigoriadis VN, Tziavos IN (2005) Methods and instruments for bathymetric surveying. Proceedings of the conference on “The progress of the instruments, methods and measurements of the science of surveying in Greece”, pp. 255-267, Thessaloniki, 15-16 April 2005, Ziti editions (In Greek).


Grigoriadis VN, Tziavos IN (2004) Development of a software package for the automation of measurements in bathymetric mapping. Presented at the FIG Working Week 2004 on “The Olympic Spirit in Surveying”, Athens, 22-27 May. (e-proceedings)

Publications in honorary and special volumes


Grigoriadis VN, Tziavos IN, Vergos GS (2017) The contribution of Geographical Information Systems in Natural Disasters Management. In: Georgoula O, Papadopoulou M, Rossikopoulos D, Spatalas S, Fotiou A (eds) “Special issue in memory of Professor Ioannis Paraschakis”, School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, pp. 257-268. (In Greek)


Natsiopoulos DA, Vergos GS, Tziavos IN, Grigoriadis VN (2016) Sea level variability in the Mediterranean Sea through satellite altimetry analytical covariance functions. In: Paraschakis I, Rossikopoulos D, Fotiou A (eds) “Special issue for Professor Emeritus Christogeorgis Kaltsikis – Measuring and Mapping the Earth”, School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, pp. 327-347.


Grigoriadis VN, Tziavos IN, Vergos GS, Natsioupoulos DA (2015) A study of global bathymetry models and sounding data in the Axios-Loudias-Aliakmonas River Delta. In: Arvanitis A, Basbas S, Lafazani P, Papadopoulou M, Paraschakis I, Rossikopoulos D (eds) “Special issue for Emeritus Professor Myron Miridis – Cartographies of Mind, Soul and Knowledge”, School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, pp. 829-841. (In Greek)


Grigoriadis VN, Papadopoulou ID, Spyridaki P, Doukas I, Tziavos IN, Savvaidis P (2010) Natural Disasters Management Systems - The SyNaRMa System. Presented at the symposia "Prevention and Management of Natural Disasters - Surveyor Engineer Role", Athens, 11 Decemeber 2007. Published in: “Prevention and Management of Natural Disasters. The Surveyor Engineer role.”, Centre for the Assessment of Natural Hazards and Proactive Planning, School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, pp. 81-89. (In Greek)

Tziavos IN, Denker H, Grigoriadis VN (2010) Local and regional geoid modeling - Methodology and case studies. In Contadakis ME, Kaltsikis C, Spatalas S, Tokmakidis K, Tziavos IN (eds) "In honour of Professor Arabelos DN - The apple of Knowledge", Department of Rural and Surveying Engineer, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, pp. 260 – 281.


Grigoriadis VN (2009): Geodetic and geophysical approach of the earth’s gravity field and applications in the Hellenic area, PhD Dissertation, Department of Geodesy & Surveying, School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (In Greek)

Grigoriadis VN (2003): Automation in hydrographic surveying using GPS and echo-sounding measurements. Master Thesis, Dept. of Geodesy & Surveying, School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (In Greek).

Grigoriadis VN (2002): Integrated hydrographic surveying using an echo-sounding machine and GPS receivers, Diploma Thesis, Department of Geodesy & Surveying, School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (In Greek).

Conference Presentations and Posters


Andritsanos VD, Grigoriadis VN, Natsiopoulos D, Vergos G (2022) Zero-height geopotential level estimation for the homogenization and modernization of the Vertical Datum of Greece. Presented at the EGU 2022 General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 23 – 27 May, 2022, EGU22-762. doi: 10.5194/egusphere-egu22-762

Grigoriadis VN, Andritsanos VD, Natsiopoulos D, Vergos G (2022) Investigation of different geoid computation techniques in the frame of the ModernGravNet project. Presented at the EGU 2022 General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 23 – 27 May, 2022, EGU22-650. doi: 10.5194/egusphere-egu22-650


Grigoriadis VN, Andritsanos V, Natsiopoulos DA (2021) Validation of the Hellenic gravity network in the frame of the ModernGravNet project. Presented at the IAG2021 Scientific Assembly “Geodesy for a Sustainable Earth”, Session 2a.1 - Terrestrial, Marine and Airborne Gravimetry (S2a-015), June 28 – July 2, Beijing, China.

Natsiopoulos DA, Mamagiannou EG, Pitenis EA, Vergos GS, Tziavos IN, Grigoriadis VN (2021) Gravity data collection with a CG5 gravitymeter for densification of the gravity data around the AUT1 IHRF station. Presented at the 2021 vEGU General Assembly, Session G4.3 “Acquisition and processing of gravity and magnetic field data and their integrative interpretation”, April 19-30, EGU21-167. doi: 10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1677


Barzaghi R, Vergos G, Carrion D, Albertella A, Tziavos I, Grigoriadis V, Natsiopoulos D, Bruinsma S, Reinquin F, Bonvalot S, Seoane L, Lequentrec-Lalancette M-F, Salaun C, Bonnefond P, Knudsen P, Andersen O, Simav M, Yildiz H, Basic T, Varga M (2019) Geomed2: High-Resolution Geoid Models of the Mediterranean. Presented at the 2019 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting, October 21-25, Chicago, USA.

Grigoriadis VN, Vergos GS, Barzaghi R (2019) Spectral and stochastic Geoid/Quasi-geoid modeling and potential determination with the remove-restore approach within the JWG2.2.2 Colorado experiment. Presented at the 27th IUGG General Assembly, Session G02 - Static Gravity Field and Height Systems, July 8-18, Montreal, Canada.

Barzaghi R, Vergos G, Albertella A, Tziavos I, Grigoriadis V, Natsiopulos D, Bruinsma S, Bonvalot S, Seoane L, Reinquin F, Lequentrec-Lalancette M-F, Salaun C, Bonnefond P, Knudsen P, Andersen O, Simav M, Yildiz H, Basic T, Varga M, Gil AJ (2019) The Geomed2 project: the Geoid and DOT of the Mediterranean Sea. Presented at the “Living Planet Symposium”, Session A5.01 - Geodetic Missions, May 13-17, Milan, Italy.

Barzaghi R, Vergos G, Carrion D, Albertella A, Tziavos I, Grigoriadis V, Natsiopoulos D, Bruinsma S, Bonvalot S, Seoane L, Reinquin F, Lequentrec-Lalancette M-F, Salaun C, Bonnefond P, Knudsen P, Andersen O, Simav M, Yildiz H, Basic T, Varga M, Gil AJ (2019) Geoid and MDT in the Mediterranean area: the GEOMED2 project. Presented at the 2019 EGU General Assembly, Session G1.1 “Recent Developments in Geodetic Theory”, April 7 – 12, Vienna, Austria.


Barzaghi R, Vergos G, Carrion D, Albertella A, Tziavos I, Grigoriadis V, Natsiopoulos D, Bruinsma S, Reinquin F, Bonvalot S, Seoane L, Lequentrec-Lalancette M-F, Salaun C, Bonnefond P, Knudsen P, Andersen O, Simav M, Yildiz H, Basic T, Varga M (2018) Latest results from the Geomed2 project: Geoid and DOT in the Mediterranean area. Presented at the “25 years of progress in radar altimetry” Symposium, Session 6 – Precise Orbit Determination, September 24-29, Ponta Delgada, São Miguel Island Azores Archipelago, Portugal.

Barzaghi R, Vergos G, Carrion D, Albertella A, Tziavos I, Grigoriadis V, Natsiopoulos D, Bruinsma S, Bonvalot S, Seoane L, Reinquin F, Lequentrec- Lalancette M-F, Salaun C, Bonnefond P, Knudsen P, Andersen O, Simav M, Yildiz H, Basic T, Varga M, Gil AJ (2018) Geoid and DOT in the Mediterranean area: the Geomed2 project. Presented at the GGHS2018 Joint Section 2 and IGFS Symposium “Gravity, Geoid and Height System 2018”, Session 3 – Local/regional gravity field modelling, September 17-21, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Grigoriadis VN, Kampourakis SG, Bantola M-D S (2018) Using in-situ depth measurements for the assessment of errors induced in gravity field modeling from Global Bathymetry Models: Preliminary results. Presented at the GGHS2018 Joint Section 2 and IGFS Symposium “Gravity, Geoid and Height System 2018”, Session 3 – Local/regional gravity field modelling, September 17-21, Copenhagen, Denmark. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.32592.76804

Grigoriadis VN, Vergos GS, Natsiopoulos DA (2018) Geoid/Quasi-geoid modeling based on the remove-restore approach with the JWG2.2.2 Colorado dataset and contributions to the IHRF. Presented at the GGHS2018 Joint Section 2 and IGFS Symposium “Gravity, Geoid and Height System 2018”, Session 3 – Local/regional gravity field modelling, September 17-21, Copenhagen, Denmark. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.27559.60327

Grigoriadis VN, Vergos GS, Barzaghi R, Carrion D (2018) The IGFS metadata for geoid. Structure, build-up and application module. Presented at the GGHS2018 Joint Section 2 and IGFS Symposium “Gravity, Geoid and Height System 2018”, Session 3 – Local/regional gravity field modelling, September 17-21, Copenhagen, Denmark.


Barzaghi R, Vergos GS, Albertella A, Carrion D, T Cazzaniga N, Tziavos IN, Grigoriadis VN, Natsiopoulos DA, Bruinsma S, Bonvalot S, Lequentrec-Lalancette MF, Bonnefond P, Knudsen P, Andersen O, Simav M, Hasan Y, Basic T, Gil AJ (2017d) GEOMED2: Geoid estimation of the Mediterranean Sea. Presented at the 2017 OSTST Meeting, Session “The Geoid, Mean Sea Surfaces and Mean Dynamic Topography”, October 23-27, Miami FL, USA.

Barzaghi R, Vergos GS, Albertella A, Carrion D, T Cazzaniga N, Tziavos IN, Grigoriadis VN, Natsiopoulos DA, Bruinsma S, Bonvalot S, Lequentrec-Lalancette MF, Bonnefond P, Knudsen P, Andersen O, Simav M, Hasan Y, Basic T, Gil AJ (2017c) The GEOMED2 project: Multi-resolution aspects and aliasing in topographic effects for geoid and gravity determination. Presented at the 2017 Joint IAG-IASPEI Scientific Assembly, Session Session G02 “Static Gravity Field”, July 30 – August 4, Kobe, Japan.

Barzaghi R, Vergos GS, Albertella A, Carrion D, T Cazzaniga N, Tziavos IN, Grigoriadis VN, Natsiopoulos DA, Bruinsma S, Bonvalot S, Lequentrec-Lalancette MF, Bonnefond P, Knudsen P, Andersen O, Simav M, Hasan Y, Basic T, Gil AJ (2017b) The GEOMED2 project: Geoid estimation in the Mediterranean Area. Presented at the 2017 Joint IAG-IASPEI Scientific Assembly, Session Session G02 “Static Gravity Field”, July 30 – August 4, Kobe, Japan.

Barzaghi R, Vergos GS, Albertella A, Carrion D, T Cazzaniga N, Tziavos IN, Grigoriadis VN, Natsiopoulos DA, Bruinsma S, Bonvalot S, Lequentrec-Lalancette MF, Bonnefond P, Knudsen P, Andersen O, Simav M, Hasan Y, Basic T, Gil AJ (2017) The GEOMED2 project: Geoid and circulation in the Mediterranean Sea. Presented at the 2017 Joint IAG-IASPEI Scientific Assembly, Session Session G02 “Static Gravity Field”, July 30 – August 4, Kobe, Japan.

Grigoriadis VN, Tziavos IN (2017) Determination of Moho depth models for Greece using different gravity inversion methods. Presented at the 2017 Joint IAG-IASPEI Scientific Assembly, Session G02 “Static Gravity Field”, July 30 – August 4, Kobe, Japan.

Andritsanos VD, Grigoriadis VN, Vergos GS, Gruber T, Fecher T (2017) Local vertical datum validation through the incorporation of GOCE variance and covariance information. Presented at the 2017 Joint IAG-IASPEI Scientific Assembly, Session G02 “Static Gravity Field”, July 30 – August 4, Kobe, Japan.

Tziavos IN, Vergos GS, Grigoriadis VN, Stylianidis S (2017) Geoid and Moho-depth modeling in Cyprus. Presented at the 2017 Joint IAG-IASPEI Scientific Assembly, Session G02 “Static Gravity Field”, July 30 – August 4, Kobe, Japan.

Vergos GS, Grigoriadis VN, Barzaghi R, Carrion D, Bonvalot S, Barthelmes F, Reguzzoni M, Wziontek H, Kelly K (2017) IGFS geoportal development for gravity, geoid, GGM and DEM data. Presented at the 2017 Joint IAG-IASPEI Scientific Assembly, Session Session G07 “GGOS and Earth monitoring services”, July 30 – August 4, Kobe, Japan.

Vergos GS, Grigoriadis VN, Barzaghi R (2017) IGFS metadata for gravity and geoid. Structure, build-up and application module. Presented at the 2017 Joint IAG-IASPEI Scientific Assembly, Session Session G07 “GGOS and Earth monitoring services”, July 30 – August 4, Kobe, Japan.

Tziavos IN, Vergos GS, Grigoriadis VN, Natsiopoulos DA, Tzanou EA (2017) GOCE-based evaluation of the Hellenic Vertical Datum within the GOCE+++ project. Presented at the 2016 EGU General Assembly, Session G4.2 “Satellite Gravimetry: Data Analysis, Results and Future Concepts”, April 23 – 28, Vienna, Austria.

Tziavos IN, Vergos GS, Grigoriadis VN, Natsiopoulos DA, Tzanou EA (2017) Mean and profile-based dynamic ocean topography determination in the Mediterranean Sea within the GOCE+++ project. Presented at the 2016 EGU General Assembly, Session OS2.2 “Advances in Understanding of the Multi-Disciplinary Dynamics of the Southern European Seas (Mediterranean and Black Sea)”, April 23 – 28, Vienna, Austria.


Barzaghi R, Vergos GS, Albertella A, Carrion D, Cazzaniga N, Tziavos IN, Grigoriadis VN, Natsiopoulos DA, Bruinsma S, Bonvalot S, Seoane L, Reinquin F, Lequentrec-Lalancette M-F, Salaun C, Bonnefond P, Knudsen P, Andersen P, Simav M, Yildiz H, Basic T, Varga M, Bjelotomic O, Gil AJ (2016) Investgaton of the contributon of topographic effects on regional geoid modeling within the Geomed2 project. Presented at the 1st Joint Commision 2 and IGFS Meeting, International Symposium on "Gravity, Geoid and Height Systems - GGHS2016", Session 3 "Regional and Local Geoid Modeling", September 19-23, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Vergos GS, Erol B, Natsiopoulos DA, Grigoriadis VN, Isik MS, Tziavos IN (2016) GOCE-based Comparison and Unification of the Greek and Turkish Height Systems with special emphasis on the Aegean Sea and the Terrestrial-border Territories. Presented at the 1st Joint Commision 2 and IGFS Meeting, International Symposium on "Gravity, Geoid and Height Systems - GGHS2016", Session 5 "IHRS and HSU: Conventions, strategies, new concepts", September 19-23, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Andritsanos VD, Grigoriadis VN, Vergos GS, Gruber T, Fecher T (2016) GOCE variance and covariance contribution to height system unification. Presented at the 1st Joint Commision 2 and IGFS Meeting, International Symposium on "Gravity, Geoid and Height Systems - GGHS2016", Session 5 "IHRS and HSU: Conventions, strategies, new concepts", September 19-23, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Grigoriadis VN, Lambrou E, Vergos GS, Tziavos IN (2016) Assessment of the Greek Vertical Datum – A case study in central Greece. Presented at the 1st Joint Commision 2 and IGFS Meeting, International Symposium on "Gravity, Geoid and Height Systems - GGHS2016", Session 5 "IHRS and HSU: Conventions, strategies, new concepts", September 19-23, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Barzaghi R, Vergos GS, Albertella A, Carrion D, Cazzaniga N, Tziavos IN, Grigoriadis VN, Natsiopoulos DA, Bruinsma S, Bonvalot S, Seoane L, Reinquin F, Lequentrec-Lalancette M-F, Salaun C, Bonnefond P, Knudsen P, Andersen P, Simav M, Yildiz H, Basic T, Varga M, Bjelotomic O, Gil AJ (2016) Gravimetric geoid model development in the Mediterranean Sea within the Geomed2 project. Presented at the 1st Joint Commision 2 and IGFS Meeting, International Symposium on "Gravity, Geoid and Height Systems - GGHS2016", Session 3 "Regional and Local Geoid Modeling", September 19-23, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Barzaghi R, Vergos GS, Albertella A, Carrion D, Cazzaniga N, Tziavos IN, Grigoriadis VN, Natsiopoulos DA, Bruinsma S, Bonvalot S, Lequentrec-Lalancette M-F, Bonnefond P, Knudsen P, Andersen O, Simav M, Yildiz H, Basic T, Gil AJ (2016) Theoretical and numerical investigations towards a new geoid model for the Mediterranean Sea – The GEOMED2 project. Presented at the 2016 EGU General Assembly, Session G1.1 “Recent Developments in Geodetic Theory”, April 17th - April 22nd, Vienna, Austria.

Vergos GS, Erol B, Natsiopoulos DA, Grigoriadis VN, Isik MS, Tziavos IN (2016) GOCE-based height system unification between Greece and Turkey. Presented at the 2016 EGU General Assembly, Session G4.2 “Satellite Gravimetry: Data Analysis, Results and Future Concepts”, April 17th - April 22nd, Vienna, Austria.

Barzaghi R, Vergos GS, Albertella A, Carrion D, Tziavos IN, Grigoriadis VN, Bruinsma S, Bonvalot S, Lequentrec-Lalancette M-F, Bonnefond P, Knudsen P, Andersen O, Simav M, Yildiz H, Basic T, Gil AJ (2016) Improved representation of the Meditteranean Geoid within the GEOMED 2 project. Contributions of local gravity, GOCE and Cryosat2 data. ESA Living Planet Symposium 2016, Session “Solid Earth & Near Earth” – EART90-ID674, May 9-13, Prague, Czech Republic.


Tziavos IN, Vergos GS, Andritsanos VD, Grigoriadis VN, Pagounis V (2015) GOCE/GRACE GGM evaluation over Attika and Thessaloniki, Greece and local geoid modeling in support of height unification. Presented at the 2015 IUGG General Assembly, Session G02 “Static Gravity Field Models and Observations”, June 22 – July 2, Prague, Czech Republic.

Barzaghi R, Albertella A, Carrion D, Bruinsma A, Bonvalot S, Lequentrec-Lalancette MF, Bonnefond P, Vergos GS, Tziavos IN, Grigoriadis VN, Knudsen P, Andersen O, Simav M, Hasan Y, Basic T, Gil AJ (2015) The GEOMED 2 project: a high resolution geoid of the Mediterranean Sea. Presented at the 2015 IUGG General Assembly, Session G02 “Static Gravity Field Models and Observations”, June 22 – July 2, Prague, Czech Republic.


Vergos GS, Grigoriadis VN, Tziavos IN, Natsiopoulos DA, Tzanou EA (2014) GOCE/GRACE GGM evaluation over Greece with GPS/Leveling and gravity data. Presented at the 5th International GOCE User Workshop, November 25th – 28th, Paris, France.

Vergos GS, Natsiopoulos DA, Tziavos IN, Grigoriadis VN, Tzanou EA (2014) DOT and SLA stationary and time-varying analytical covariance functions for LSC-based heterogeneous data combination. Presented at the 2014 EGU General Assembly, Session G1.1 “Recent developments in geodetic theory”, April 27th - May 2nd, Vienna, Austria.

Andritsanos VD, Vergos GS, Grigoriadis VN, Pagounis V, Tziavos IN (2014) Spectral characteristics of the Hellenic vertical network - Validation over Central and Northern Greece using GOCE/GRACE global geopotential models. Presented at the 2014 EGU General Assembly, Session G4.2 “Satellite Gravimetry: GRACE, GOCE and Future Gravity Missions”, April 27th - May 2nd, Vienna, Austria.

Barzaghi R, Albertella A, Cazzaniga NE, Bonvalot S, Bruinsma A, Lequentrec-Lalancette MF, Tziavos IN, Vergos GS, Grigoriadis VN (2014) Estimating Geoid and Sea Surface Topography in the Mediterranean Sea. Presented at the 3rd International Gravity Field Service (IGFS) General Assembly (IGFS 2014), June 30-July 6, 2014, Shanghai, China.

Vergos GS, Natsiopoulos DA, Tziavos IN, Grigoriadis VN, Tzanou EA (2014) DOT and SLA stationary and time-varying analytical covariance functions for LSC-based heterogeneous data combination. Presented at the 2014 EGU General Assembly, Session G1.1 “Recent developments in geodetic theory”, April 27th - May 2nd, Vienna, Austria.


Tziavos IN, Vergos GS, Grigoriadis VN, Tzanou EA, Natsiopoulos DA (2013b) Validation of GOCE/GRACE satellite only and combined global geopotential models over Greece, in the frame of the GOCESeaComb Project. Presented at the 2013 IAG Scientific Assembly, Session 2.2 “Global Gravity Field Models”, September 1st-6th, Potsdam, Germany.

Tziavos IN, Vergos GS, Grigoriadis VN, Tzanou EA, Natsiopoulos DA (2013) External calibration/validation of ESA’s GOCE mission and contribution to DOT and SLA determination using a stochastic approach - The GOCESeaComb Project. Presented at the 2013 EGU General Assembly, Session G4.2 “Satellite Gravimetry: GRACE, GOCE and Future Gravity Missions”, April 7th-12th, Vienna, Austria.

Tziavos IN and the ECO-Satellite Team (2013) Development of a WebGIS-based monitoring and environmental protection and preservation system for the Black Sea: The ECO-Satellite project. Presented at the 2013 EGU General Assembly, Session OS2.2 “Advances in understanding of the multi-disciplinary dynamics of the Southern European Seas (Mediterranean and Black Sea)”, April 7th-12th, Vienna, Austria.

Alexandridis TK, Alexandrov BG, Monachou S, Kalogeropoulos C, Strati S, Vorobyova L, Bogatova Y, Grigoriadis VN, Vergos GS, Topaloglou C (2013) Monitoring water quality parameters in the marine area of Danube Delta using satellite remote sensing. Presented at the First International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation 2013, April 8-10, Paphos, Cyprus.


Vergos GS, Grigoriadis VN, Tziavos IN, Kotsakis C (2012) Evaluation of GOCE/GRACE Global Geopotential Models over Greece with collocated GPS/Levelling observations and local gravity data. Presented at the IAG Commission 2 “Gravity, Geoid and Height Systems GGHS2012” conference, October 9th-12th, Venice, Italy.

Grigoriadis VN, Kotsakis C, Tziavos IN, Vergos GS (2012) Estimation of the geopotential value Wo for the local vertical datum of continental Greece using EGM08 and GPS/leveling data. Presented at the IAG Commission 2 “Gravity, Geoid and Height Systems GGHS2012” conference, October 9th-12th, Venice, Italy.


Tassis G, Grigoriadis VN, Tziavos I, Tsokas G, Papazachos C, Vasiljevic I (2011) A new Bouguer gravity anomaly field in the Adriatic Sea for geodetic and geophysical applications. Presented at the 6th Congress of the Balkan Geophysical Society, October 3 – 6, Budapest, Hungary.


Grigoriadis VN, Tziavos IN (2010) The use of high‐resolution gravity databases to geoid and Moho topography modelling. Presented at the 2nd International Symposium of the International Gravity Field Service, September 20‐22, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, USA.


Tziavos IN, Vergos GS, Grigoriadis VN, Andritsanos VD (2009) Adjustment of collocated GPS, geoid and orthometric height observations in Greece. Geoid or orthometric height improvement? Presented at the 2009 Scientific Assembly of the IAG, Geodesy for Planet Earth, August 31 – September 4, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Grigoriadis VN, Tziavos IN (2009) Gravity data inversion for applications in geodesy and geophysics – A case study in the Hellenic area. Presented at the 2009 Scientific Assembly of the IAG, "Geodesy for Planet Earth", August 31 - September 4, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Ågren J, Barzaghi R, Carrion D, Denker H, Grigoriadis VN, Kiamehr R, Sona G, Tscherning CC, Tziavos IN (2009)  Different geoid computation methods applied on a test dataset: results and considerations. Presented at the VII Hotine-Marussi Symposium, 6-10 July, 2009, Rome, Italy.


Grigoriadis VN, Papadopoulou ID, Savvaidis P, Tziavos IN (2008) Collection, management and analysis of building damage information in the urban environment through Web-GIS. Presented at the EGU General Assembly 2008, Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol. 10, EGU2008.

Vergos GS, Tziavos IN, Papageorgiou P, Grigoriadis VN (2008) Validation of the SRTM and SRTM plus DTM in Northern Greece for geoid and gravity field modeling. Presented at the "Gravity, Geoid and Earth Observation 2008 (GGEO2008)" of the IAG, June 23-27, Chania, Greece.

Tziavos IN, Vergos GS, Grigoriadis VN (2008) Marine gravity field modeling using spectral methods. Presented at the 2008 EGU General Assembly, Session G1 "Marine Gravity Field Modeling", April 13-18, Vienna, Austria.


Grigoriadis VN, Papadopoulou ID, Spyridaki P, Doukas I, Tziavos IN, Savvaidis P (2010) Natural Disasters Management Systems - The SyNaRMa System. Presented at the symposia "Prevention and Management of Natural Disasters - Surveyor Engineer Role", Athens, 11 Decemeber 2007.

Savvaidis P, Tziavos I, Doukas J, Papadopoulou I, Grigoriadis V, Spiridaki P (2007) Use of Web-GIS for the confrontation of natural disasters in cities. Presented at the SPMIT 2007 Conference, 7-8 June, Ostrava, Czech Republic.

Tziavos IN, Vergos GS, Grigoriadis VN, Tsoulis D, Andritsanos VD, Tzanou EA (2007) Analysis of Repeated GPS Measurements over a geodetic network and a common adjustment of heterogeneous height data. Presented at the XXIV General Assembly of the IUGG (IUGG2007), July 2-13, Perugia, Italy.


Tziavos IN, Tsoulis D, Andritsanos VD, Grigoriadis VN, Tzanou EA, Vergos GS (2006) Establishment of a GPS network in Northern Greece for geodetic and geodynamic applications. Presented at the 1st International Symposium of the International Gravity Field Service “Gravity Field of the Earth”, August 28 – September 1, 2006, Turkey.

Tziavos IN, Sideris MG, Vergos GS, Grigoriadis VN, Andritsanos VD (2006) An overview of spectral methods for the optimal processing of satellite altimetry and other data. Presented at the Symposium “15 Years of Progress in Satellite Altimetry“, March 13-18, 2006, Venice, Italy.


Müller A, Bürki B, Limpach P, Tziavos IN, Vergos GS, Grigoriadis VN, Kahle HG (2005) Astrogeodätische Lotabweichungsbestinmmung in der Nordägäis (Griechenland). Presented at the 2005 Geodätische Woche, Düsseldorf, Germany, October 4-6, 2005.

Undergraduate Lessons

1st semester - [Y01]: Geomatics I

Introduction to Geomatics. Variables and computations. Decision structures. Loops. Functions and subroutines. Object-oriented programming. Arrays and collections. Files. XML and XAML. Developing User Interfaces with Windows Presentation Foundation. Software installers. Debugging. Simple programming exercises in Visual Basic with Microsoft Visual Studio.

2nd semester - [A02]: Topographic Mapping

Depicting points in two - and three-dimensional space. Control point determination. Cartesian and polar coordinates. Fundamental problems. Sections, Resection, Hansen. Traverses. Horizontal and vertical representation of details. Surveying drawings. Cadastral, hydrographic, underground survey. Computation of areas and volumes.

2nd semester - [Y33] Geomatics II

Introduction to Python programming. Command line interpreter and IDE. Data structures. Operators and expressions. Control flow. Functions. Lists and object-orienteddd programming. Input/output. Simple programming exercises in Visual Basic and Python for solving surveying problems.

4th semester - [A04] Introduction to Gravity Field

Newtonian attractive field. Earth gravity field and its components. Local and geocentric reference system. Gravity anomalies and reduction. Height systems. Spherical harmonics and geopotential models. The geoid. Geoid approximations with terrestrial and satellite data. Levelling with geoid heights and GPS heights

7th semester - [A13]: Hydrography and Marine Geodesy

Hydrography and marine geodesy. Connections with other sciences. Nautical map and navigations. Physical oceanography. Satellite altimetry. Marine geoid. Radiowaves and radiolocation. Horizontal position determination at sea. Positioning algorithms. Radiosystems and GPS. Depth determination. Echosounding instrumentation. Offshore hydrographic applications. Instrumentation and methodology. Automatic hydrographic surveying.

8th semester - [Y12]: Field Surveying Exercises

Installation, measurement and calculation of topographic control networks. Use of maps and aerial photographs outdoors. Identification and marking of photostable. Gathering information about the uses and land values​​. Surveying. Processing and visualization of topographic data. Topographic diagramms. Editing of cadastral and GIS data and information on the uses and land values​​.

8th semester - [Α37]: Geophysical and Archaelogical Prospecting

Gravity methods, Magnetic methods, Ground and airborne surveys, electrical methods, geo-thermal, geochemical, seismic methods, radioactivity method, contribution of remote sensing methods to geophysical prospecting. The definition of archeological prospecting. Magnetic anomalies. Magnetometry and archaeological research. Measurements and processing. The inverse problem. Electrical prospecting. Radar prospecting. Interpretation of results.

Diploma/Master Theses

Asprogiannidou Maria and Kassiotis Konstantinos (2023) Assessment and densification of the horizontal trigonometric network of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Department of Geodesy & Surveying, School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (In Greek).

Laskaraki Ekaterini and Sofianidou Christina (2023) Densification and assesment of the vertical network of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Department of Geodesy & Surveying, School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (In Greek).

Christopoulos E (2022) Program development for the creation of field book drawings in classical surveying applications. Department of Geodesy & Surveying, School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (In Greek).

Drogoula M (2021) Sea level rise in the Hellenic area using satellite altimetry data. Department of Geodesy & Surveying, School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (In Greek).

Savvas G (2021) Development of a parallel program in Python for the prediction of gravity anomalies by least-squares collocation. Department of Geodesy & Surveying, School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (In Greek).

Michailidou AA (2021) Flood mapping in the area of Axios-Loudias-Aliakmonas Delta due to sea level rise using the bathtub method. Department of Geodesy & Surveying, School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (In Greek).

Mavromati EP (2021) Bathymetry determination from remote sensing imagery and in-situ measurements in Paralia, Katerini. Department of Geodesy & Surveying, School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (In Greek).

Staro S (2021) Bathymetry estimation with the use of Kompsat-2 and Sentinel-2 satellite images in the area of N. Marmara in Chalkidiki. Department of Geodesy & Surveying, School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (In Greek).

Pappas Κ (2020) Comparative study of specifications of international organizations for hydrographic surveys and bathymetric survey in the area of the Olympic Coast in Pieria. Department of Geodesy & Surveying, School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (In Greek).

Machmoukiotis N (2019) Bathymetric survey and evaluation of the Precise Point Positioning technique in the harbor of Nea Iraklitsa, Kavala. Department of Geodesy & Surveying, School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (In Greek).

Kampourakis S, Bantola D-M (2018) Evaluation of global bathymetry models, coastlines and gravity reductions with data obtained from a hydrographic survey in Neos Marmaras in Chalkidiki. Department of Geodesy & Surveying, School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (In Greek).

Paraskevopoulou K (2017) Effect of vessel’s attitude to echo-sounding measurements. School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (In Greek).

Liouza S (2017) Comparative study of height determination using GPS and UAV. School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (In Greek).

Zaragas D (2016) Evaluation of Global Bathymetry Models in the Hellenic area. Department of Geodesy & Surveying, School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (In Greek).

Skoulidou I (2016) Inversion of Cryosat-2 satellite altimetry data for the computation of depths in the Aegean Sea. Department of Geodesy & Surveying, School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (In Greek).


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Phone: 0030 2310 996 122
Office: 5th floor, Surveyors Building
Postal Address: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
School of Rural and Surveying Engineering
Department of Geodesy and Surveying
University Box 440
54124, Thessaloniki, Greece
Last Update: 15/02/2024